JJ Abrams y 1-18-08
Parece que se van revelando algunas cosillas sobre este misterioso proyecto, poco a poco por supuesto, Abrams como siempre maneja con estilo el arte de la publicidad, y cada vez que da un dato, en vez de atenuar la expectación la aviva.
En la Comic-Con, tras poner el trailer que ya todos conocemos, dio un brevisimo discurso:
Aqui teneis la transcripción:
“I want a monster movie, I've wanted one for so long. I was in Japan with my son and all he wanted to do is go to toy stores. And we saw all these Godzilla toys, and I thought, we need our own monster, and not King Kong, King Kong's adorable. I wanted something that was just insane and intense. It's almost done shooting and I watch dailies and I'm more excited for them than the trailer, which has had an overwhelming response. We have 6 months before this comes out. We're going to have a whole bunch of things, a whole bunch more." He said a full trailer, more clips, full posters, and much more will be coming out over the next 6 monts, including the name, which he will NOT reveal today.
“You think we'd call it Monstrous? No…"
Asi que:
-No es Godzilla (gracias al cielo)
-No se llama Mounstrous (menos mal)
-Es una peli con MONSTRUO (a ver si hay suerte y es Cthulhu, pero no creo)
¿Por cierto, sabías que a las fotos de la PAGINA DE LAS FOTOS, se les puede dar la vuelta? Las enganchas con el raton en una esquina y les das un tirón:
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